10 March, 2011

My Taste of Malaysia

A trip to the unknown and unexplored is worth it, if only for its rich and unmatched culture and history. Gastronomically, food comes first to my mind whenever I'm travelling: what it tastes like, how is it prepared and is it delicious. Common questions by a backpacker like me.

Here's my taste of Malaysia: a hawker food called murtabak. It is a dish of savoury stuffed roti, usually including minced mutton, garlic, onion, and folded with an omelette, and is eaten with curry sauce.

Martabak, also Murtabak or Mutabbaq,  in Arabic means "folded"
I've also tried nasi katok during my stay in Kota Kinabalu served with chocolate ice cream and bottomless iced tea. Basically, it's a chicken meal with rice and sambal.
Nasi katok (originally ketuk) Nasi means "rice" and katok means "knock"
Sambal is a chili based sauce which is normally used as a condiment.

Sambal is a Javanese word (sambel)

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