27 March, 2011

We're Hungry And We're Sexy

During Lenten season, I find it very hard to eat at restaurants. Why? Because I looked for the ones that serves veggies or seafood because I am on my 40-day fasting. And then there's the fast food.

It is our third time, or maybe fourth, to eat at ArmyNavy. With the name comes the ambiance/design of the place: like an army barracks. But they serve really, really good Mexican food, fast. I am not an avid fan of burrito so I settled for cheese quesadilla served with garlic sauce and salsa.

Cheese Quesadilla - quesadilla is a flour
or corn tortilla mixed with savory mixtures
then fold in half-moon shape.

Since cheese quesadilla is considered pica-pica or finger food which is usually served in cocktail parties, we added some fries and nachos to the plate.


23 March, 2011

Once There Was A Sizzling Lunch

After a night of eating and drinking with my cousins, for the simple fact that it's fiesta, we've had our mini-celebration, much like a family reunion, sort of. This was held in Victoria, Laguna, a two-hour travel from Manila. Since we must return to Manila the day after feeling sleepy and hung over and hungry, I preferred to eat sizzling plate. And since it's Lenten season, no meat. So I ordered sizzling tuna, Japanese style. Where else, Sizzling Pepper Steak, let's do it the Japanese way.

Sizzling tuna

Egg Soup

13 March, 2011

Good Time At Gumbo

It's a good thing to meet up and dine out with friends but it's even more exciting and looking forward to if a member of the family sets up a meet or just invite you for a simple dinner. Good thing me and my cousin don't have any schedules set for Saturday night. We just go to Megamall and from there, chose the resto to dine with: Gumbo, the taste of New Orleans.

  Since it's Saturday and restaurants tend to be full, we chose a restaurant which not only is interesting but it serves seafood as well. As we all know, Lenten season is here so I've begun my yearly 40-day fasting. That means, no meat, any kinds of meat, just seafood and vegetables for me.

Fried chicken with Java rice
 But since I am the only one who doesn't eat meat, my cousin, who loves to eat fried chicken everyday, ordered it as well.

Shrimp Aglio Olio
As for me, well, I ordered shrimp aglio olio and baked clams to complete the main course.

Baked clams
Our dinner was served with Coke and it's so mouth-watering. But since the meal is for four people, we've take out the rest.

Good atmosphere, good food, good company. And good price as well: P899.
It's a well-deserved meal for people who watch their budget.

12 March, 2011

Eating Time At Joey P's

It's been months since Bel, Angel and me talked, or rather planned, hanging out at Joey Pepperoni. Sadly, every time we make the time and day for it, it's got postponed. But this time, we've make it a point that we tried to hang out there and we made it.



Ceasar's Salad

After A Hard Day At Work

It's weekend! The best part of the week that everyone is waiting. Well, almost everyone. Because it's the time when we relax a little and enjoy life after five days of hard work. And what better way to chill and relax than to eat something you're craving for, I say, three days. Well, that's me. French Baker, here I come!

Beef lasagna: layers of mozzarella cheese stuffed with
Italian beef Ragu sauce topped with creamy melted cheese

Lasagna Verde: vegetarian spinach lasagna stuffed with layers
of mozzarella and roasted vegetables in tomato and sided
with grilled foccacia slices or French garlic toast

Mango Freeze

Chocolate Shake

10 March, 2011

My Taste of Malaysia

A trip to the unknown and unexplored is worth it, if only for its rich and unmatched culture and history. Gastronomically, food comes first to my mind whenever I'm travelling: what it tastes like, how is it prepared and is it delicious. Common questions by a backpacker like me.

Here's my taste of Malaysia: a hawker food called murtabak. It is a dish of savoury stuffed roti, usually including minced mutton, garlic, onion, and folded with an omelette, and is eaten with curry sauce.

Martabak, also Murtabak or Mutabbaq,  in Arabic means "folded"
I've also tried nasi katok during my stay in Kota Kinabalu served with chocolate ice cream and bottomless iced tea. Basically, it's a chicken meal with rice and sambal.
Nasi katok (originally ketuk) Nasi means "rice" and katok means "knock"
Sambal is a chili based sauce which is normally used as a condiment.

Sambal is a Javanese word (sambel)